Recycled Packaging

PCR (Post Consumer Regrind) Buckets – Eco Friendly PCR buckets. We stock a wide range of plastic buckets, manufactured by Jokey™ one of Europe’s leading plastic packaging specialists.

PCR (post-consumer regrind) polypropylene is a polymer derived from household waste (drinking cups; dessert pots; cutlery; etc) and rejected industrial materials such as stretch and heat seal film.

These buckets are part of a new range from Jokey called the Eco Concept. These pails are produced in 50% PCR with 50% ‘PIR’ (post-industrial regrind) pp sourced from within the factory, so they are completely sustainable and immediately satisfy the exemption criteria from the new tax.

Jokey’s thin wall technology and advanced design means that these packaging items perform as well as those produced in virgin polymer and are themselves 100% recyclable – having a plastic handle too.Bucket applications.

Currently these buckets are suitable for non-food sectors (paints; surface coatings; chemicals; etc).More InformationIf you’d like to find out more on our PCR range and the new plastic tax – read our blog